Cherry Kool-Aid

Created in Hastings, NE by Edwin Perkins in 1927, Kool-Aid was born!  Add some of Nebraska's history by including Kool-Aid in your Nebraska Box!

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The History

Did you know Hastings is the birthplace of Kool-Aid? That wonderfully sweet flavored soft drink that kids (of all ages!) enjoy was the brain child of Hastings native Edwin Perkins.

 You see, Perkins had a dream to become a self-employed business success – and he discovered his dream through hard work and a little ingenious marketing. Perkins created and sold many products, but in 1927 while in Hastings he developed Kool-Aid, and the rest is history!

Hastings Museum’s Kool-Aid: Discover the Dream exhibit explores the life of Perkins and how Kool-Aid became an international cultural icon that’s still relevant today.


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